Encourage your participation in the following history opportunitie s:
SUNDAY FEBRUARY 21 , 2 PM, Volunteer Steve Bradford describes the ongoing effort to restore steam locomotive 2926. After sitting in a local park for some 40 years, the restoration effort began in 2000. Albuquerque Museum, Free parking south of the Museum, free admission to Museum and the program.
FREE SATURDAY WALKING TOURS OF DOWNTOWN CENTRAL AVE Meet at 1st & Central SW at 10 am. Call 289-0586 to leave a message or reserve for a group more than five. Sponsored by the ABQ Historical Society & Historic ABQ, Inc. with support from the Urban Enhancement Trust Fund.
FREE ADMISSION FOR NM RESIDENTS EVERY SUNDAY AT THE NM HISTORY MUSEUM in Santa Fe and ALL STATE HISTORIC SITES, Free admission for seniors every Wednesday. NATIVE AMERICAN DANCERS, Every Saturday and Sunday at 1 2 Noon. Admission fee. Indian Pueblo Cultural Center.
FEB. 3, 5:30-7 pm, free. Noted photographer Stan Honda speaks on A Journey through the Japanese American Experience (relating to WW II internment camps with photos). South Broadway Cultural Center, 1025 Broadway SE. Contact: louisnikki9@gmail or for more info.
FEB. 4, 5:30-7 pm, Free. Role of Water in Pueblo Life & Soverignty. (Series continues March 3, April 7, May 5) Indian Pueblo Cultural Center,
FEB. 4, 5:30-6:30 pm, free. “Science on Tap”, Tom Turner, Assoc. Dean of the UNM College of Arts & Sciences speaks on The Challenges of Balancing Water Use and Biodiversity in NM Rivers, Yanni’s 3109 Central NE.Call the Nuclear Museum at 245-2137 X 103 for more info.
FEB. 5, free, must RSVP to 897-8831. Exploratory Hike of the Northern Sand Dunes. Sponsored by the Open sSace Division.
FEB. 5, 4 pm, free. Dr. Joseph Sanchez speaking on New Mexico and Southern.Colorado under the the Mexican Eagle 1821-1848. UNM SUB Fiesta Room A & B. Sponsored by Scholars for New Mexico Studies.
FEB. 6, 2 pm, Chautauqua Performace: John Steinbeck by Dr. Noel Pugach. Part of the exhibit of the Dust Bowl of the Great Plains in the 1930s. Los Lunas Museum of Heritage & Arts, 251 Main Street SE (at the water tower) 352-7720.
FEB. 6, 1 pm. Free. Art is Tradition by the Naranjo family from Santa Clara Pueblo. Indian Pueblo Cultural Center, .
FEB. 6, 1 pm, free. Noted author David Pike presents Mood Rings & Rodeo Grounds: the American Bicentennial in NM. Part of the Mountainair history series. Location National Park Service Building on Hwy 60 in Mountainair. Call 847-2585.
FEB. 6, 10 am-3pm, admission. All things STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) hands on activities for kids and adults. Hosted by engineers and scientists from across NM. National Museum of Nuclear Science and energy., or 601 Eubank SE.
FEB. 6, 10:30 am, free. Robert Torrez speaks on Our Genizaro Ancestors, Hispanic Genealogical Resource Center, Special Collections Library.
FEB. 6, 10:30-12 noon, free. Vamos al Museo. Family event to visit the art museum then do printmaking. National Hispanic Cultural Center, 4th & Bridge SW, Call Elena Baca at 246-2261 X 167
FEB. 6, 2-4. Professor Anna Nogar speaks at the National Hispanic Cultural Center as part of the La Canoa program.
FEB. 7, FREE ADMISSION for NM residents to the NM Museum of Natural History and Science in Old Town.
FEB. 7, 9-10:30 am, free, must RSVP to 897-8831. Two mile walk of the Bosque.leaving from the Open Space Visitor Center, 6400 Coors NW. Sponsored by the Open space Division.
FEB. 7, 1-2 pm, free with admission. David Garcia and Enrique la Madrid give a music history talk and perform music written by Higinio V. Gonzales, part of the Gonzales Tinsmith exhibit. ABQ Museum.
FEB 10, 12 noon, free. AT & SF Railroad and Pueblo Indians 1880-1930presented by Richard Frost. Part of the Brainpower and Brownbag series, NM History Museum in Santa Fe,
FEB. 13, 6:30-10:30 pm, ticket event for adults.. An Exquisite Night of Espionage: License to spy plus the “Diamond Anniversary” 1840 diamond tiara New Mexico Museum of Natural History.dancing, cash bar, food trucks. www.nmnaturalhistory.
FEB. 13, 1-3 pm, free, must RSVP to 897-8831. Panel discussion of the art exhibit “I HeArt Soil” with various artists. Visitor Center, 6400 Coors NW,. Sponsored by the Open space Division.
FEB. 13 2 pm, free. BG Burr speaks on The History of the Farm Security Administration Photographers, part of the traveling exhibit about the Dust bowl of the Great Plains in the 1930s. Los Lunas Museum of Heritage & Arts, 251 Main Street SE (at the water tower) 352-7720.
FEB. 13, 10am-12 noon, fee. The great Backyard Bird Count. NM Natural History Museum.
FEB. 13, 12 noon – 2 pm, free but $5 donation appreciated. Beermaking and its History, Los Lunas Library on Main Street, 839-3850.
FEB. 13, 2 pm, free. Grants History: A Day at the Movies. Enjoy vintage home movies and photographs of the Grants area. NMSU Grants Campus McClure Hall.
FEB. 13, 10:30 – 12 noon, free. Angel Cervantes speakes on the Hispanic “Founders of the Villa de Albuqurque“. Special Collections Branch, 423 Central NE, series on People Create Cities.
FEB. 13, 1:30, free. Food, Farms, Friends a presentation about the new farming program at Casa San Ysidro with partners ARCA and the NM Land Conservancy. Also free tours of Casa San Ysidro from 1-4 or call 897-8828.
FEB. 13, 9am-12 noon, free. Backyard Farming series. sponsored by Bernalillo County open space at the Guiterrez Hubbell House, 6029 Isleta SW, or 3140398.
FEB. 14, 2 pm, members free, others $5. Mary Ann Montoya speaks about her six generations of history inc. the Cohn, Abreau, Leal and Montoya families of northern NM. Sandoval County Historical Society DeLavy House in Bernalillo off
FEB. 14, 2 pm, free. A panel discussion of the repair and renovation of the historic Old San Ysidro church. Corrales Historical Society at the Old San Ysidro church. www.corraleshistory.
FEB 15, 7-8 pm. free. Lunar Monday. NM Museum of Natural History, .
FEB. 15, Observance of President’s Day
FEB. 16. luncheon, fee, $17 member, $20 non-member. Speaker APS Superintendent Raquel Reedy, League of Women Voters Luncheon, MCM Elegante Hotel, 2020 Menaul NE. RSVP to or call 884-8441 byFeb. 11.
FEB. 17, 5:30-7 pm. free. The Counter Narrative, Love & For the Love of Art presented by Joe & Althea Cajero, a dynamic and creative couple. Indian Pueblo Cultural Center,
FEB. 18-20, 7 pm, free but must reserve ticket. Movies at the
FEB. 18, $17 for dinner. Historian Richard Melzer presents from his bookNotable Albuquerqueans. Must make reservation with Gloria Bullis at Westerners Corral History Dinner club. MCM Hotel Elegante, Menaul & University NE
FEB. 21, 11 am-12 noon, free. Paint the Town Red – Farmily Art Workshop. Open Space Visitor Center, 6500 Coors NW, 897-8831, Limited space, advance registration required.
FEB. 20, 2 pm. All In, Down and Out: The Great Depression in Song & Story with Jane Voss & Hoyle Osbourne. part of the traveling exhibit about the Dust bowl of the Great Plains in the 1930s. Los Lunas Museum of Heritage & Arts, 251 main Street SE (at the water tower) 352-7720, 7 pm (tickets available at 6 pm),
FEB. 20, 1-3 pm, free. Mary Oishi speaks about A Day of Remembrance- FDR’s Executive Order 9066 which authorized relocation of some 100,000 Japanese Americans to internment camps. Co-sponsored by the NM Japanese American Citizens League and the NM Humanities Council. Special Collections Library.
FEB.21, 2 pm. Free for members of the Friends of Coronado Historic Site, $5 others. Native American Easel Art by Dr. Bruce Bernstein. Call George at 771-9493 for information.
FEB. 21, 2 pm, free. Steve Bradford discusses the restoration of locomotive 2926. Albuquerque Historical Society, Albuquerque Museum in Old Town.
FEB. 20, 1pm, free. Free masonry for Non-Masons: Placitas Community Library, 5 miles east of I-25 exit 242., 867-3355.
FEB. 25, 6-8 pm, free. Rosalie Otero speaks on Living with the Taos Artists. Part of the La Canoa Legacy series . National Hispanic Cultural Center library, 1701 4th St.
FEB. 25, 7:30 pm, free. Immigration: Images, Icons and Institutions-the Politics and Policies of creating the Globe. UNM Anthropology Building room 163. Sponsored by Maxwell Museum, or 277-4405.
FEBRUARY 27, 2 pm , free. The Bosque Farms Project presented by Dr. Richard Melzer, part of the traveling exhibit about the Dust bowl of the Great Plains in the 1930s. Los Lunas Museum of Heritage & Arts, 251 main Street SE (at the water tower) 352-7720,
FEBRUARY 27, 4 pm, free. ABQ author B.C. Stone describes his mystery set in 1940s ABQ A Where The Mesa Ends. Special Collections Library.
FEBRUARY 27, 1 pm, free How does traditional regalia represent Pueblo Culture. Weaver, fashion designer, moccasin maker and bead artist. Indian Pueblo Cultural Center.
FEBRUARY 27, 10 am program & Q & A, light lunch 11 am, free. Mary Tang speaks on a Comparative Study of the teaching of Chinese philosphers and Jesus. Sponsored by the Chinese American Speaker Series, North Domingo Baca Community Center at Wyoming & Carmel NE.More information by calling Fay Yao at 934-3941.
FEB. 27, 10:30-11:30 am, free. Series on local history opened by David Schneider speaking on Albuquerque 1706-1846. Gutierrez Hubbell House, 6029 Isleta SW.
FEB. 27, 2-4 pm, free, Art Exhibit “No More Stories” opens, 897-8831. Sponsored by the Open space Division.
UNM Continuing Education
Call 277-0077 to register and for more information 277-0563. Fees for out of town field trips cover transportation. UNM Continuing Ed booklets with more detail available at all library branches.
****************OASIS PROGRAMS**********************
Call 884-4529 to register and for more information. Must be age 55 and up. Location at American Square Shopping Center, 3301 Menaul Blvd. NE, Suite 18 (near Menaul & Carlisle)
FEB. 3, 10:30-12 NOON, Agriculture in Colonial NM. Robert Torrez
FEB, 19, 10:30-12 noon, Santa Fe’s Hidden History.Nancy Bartlitt
FEB. 23, 9-11am, Alameda Bird Walk,
FEB. 25, 1-2:30 pm, Famous New Mexicans, Don Bullis $8
FEB. 29, 10:30:AM-12 noon, Jemez People, matthew Barbour$8
**********************OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING********************** *****
$20 Annual Registration Fee. Each class has a fee. Many more classes in the catalog. Call 277-0077 to register or on line at
Museum of Albuquerque Admission www.
NEW OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN ALBUQUERQUE HISTORY View the scrapbooks of the ABQ City Clerk dated from 1922-1974. The books have been copied and reside at the ABQ Special Collections Library, 423 Central NE. Check at the main desNEW MEXICO DIGITAL NEWSPAPERS Over 200,000 pages of historical state newspapers have been digitized and may be viewed. http://elibrary.unm.
Website Spotlight website about NM history & culture.
Unser Racing Museum www.unserracingmuseum.
El Camino Real International Heritage Center (south of Socorro)www.
NM Veterans Memorial (Albuquerque) www.
1100 Lousiana NE, 256-2042. The Memorial is dedicated to the men and women who gave their youth, hopes and dreams in the name of freedom. The website includes a section on nine periods of military history and how it affected those living in NM. Go the the events section and click on History of NM Vets.
75th Anniversary of Zimmerman Library
NM Genealogical Society, Main Library,
****************************** ***********************
NAMED TO NATIONAL PARK SERVICE NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES Gutierrez-Hubbell House, 6029 Isleta SW.www.gutierrezhubbelhouse.
****************MUSEUM EXHIBITS*******************
Albuquerque Museum of Art & History
.The Artistic Odyssey of Higinio V. Gonzales: A Tinsmith and Poet of Territorial NM, Only in Albuquerque,
Belen Harvey House, Mi Familia, The People of Belen. Historic photographs, artifacts. 104 North 1st St. 861-0581. open Tuesday – Saturday 12:30-
Guiterrez Hubbell House Photo exhibit From the Rhine to the Rio Grande: 19th Century photographs.
Indian Pueblo Cultural Center, 2401 12th St. NW – Generations of Prayer, Song, and Dance. Larry Phillips Sr from the Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo.
National Hispanic Cultural Center Our Penitente Land: the DeAragon/Calles Collection National Hispanic Cultural Center. History and Literacy Arts Building.“Portraiture NM, Staging the Self“. Traveling exhibit of 54 works by 6 Latino artists. Exhibit continues through March 27, 2016. National Hispanic Cultural Center, 4th & Bridge NW.
Santa Fe Museum of Indian Arts Exhibit–Turquoise Water Sky: the stone and its Meaning.www.
Maxwell Museum of Anthropology at UNM. El Agua Es Vida: Acequias in New Mexico, 277-4405, 277-1400. “Curanderismo: Healing & Ritual”. Healing and medicinal plants and herbs. 277-1400 for more info.
Los Lunas Museum of Heritage and Arts, Billy the Kid
Along the Pecos: A Photographic and Sound Collage; Fading Memories: Echos of the Civil War; Painting the Divine: Images of Mary in the New World. The Fred Harvey Company and Its Legacy. 47 Stars, NM Centennial Exhibit Pinhole Photography. Santa Fe Found: Fragments of Time. Archaeological evidence and historic documents of old Santa Fe. Telling NM Stories, Then & Now, .
NEW MEXICO HISTORY EDUCATION RESOURCE NOW AVAILABLE: ADVENTURE, ADVERSITY & OPPORTUNITY: OUR JEWISH PIONEER HISTORY IN NEW MEXICO, Education materials including middle school level lesson plans my be downloaded from the website of the NM Jewish Historical Society, $10 donation requested but not mandatory.
UNM CONTINUING EDUCATION & OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE Maralie BeLonge, 277-6179, program supervisor for Osher. For course info go to or call 277-0077. UNM CE & Osher provide travel, lectures and classes. Osher requires a $20 membership fee. Go for course descriptions.
New Mexico Historic Preservation Division, NM Cultural Affairs Dept. www.
Placitas Public Library, 453 Hy 165, 5 miles east of the I-25 exit., 867-3355.
SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARY LOCAL HISTORY & ARCHIVES 423 Central SE, branch manager Eileen O’Connell, 848-1377. Come see the beautifully renovated library and browse through many one of a kind books about Albuquerque. Open Tuesday – Sat. 9am-6pm.
MENAUL HISTORICAL LIBRARY OF THE SOUTHWEST, 301 Menaul NE on campus of Menaul School. View artifacts of 100 year old Menaul School and archives of Presbyterian Church history of NM & Southwest. www.
VISIT THE WEBSITE OF THE NATIONAL HISPANIC CULTURAL CENTER to see FEBRUARY highlights of dance, film, workshops, music, theatre and exhibits. 1701 4TH ST. SW, 246-2261.
Celebrating New Mexico Statehood site, nmstatehood.
Celebrating New Mexico Statehood provides access to materials about New Mexico’s history and culture. Designed to facilitate research about New Mexico’s past, cultural heritage materials from 12 New Mexico institutions are available here for study and research. Materials include photographs, documents, maps, posters, art, music and video. Managed by the University of New Mexico, University Libraries and funded by UNM’s Center for Regional Studies, this project is intended to help all New Mexicans learn about and appreciate our past. Enjoy!
The 12 institutions participating in the Celebrating New Mexico site are:
- The Albuquerque Museum
- Farmington Museum
- Hubbard Museum of the American West
- Indian Pueblo Cultural Center
- National Hispanic Cultural Center
- New Mexico History Museum, Chavez History Library
- New Mexico History Museum, Photo Archives
- New Mexico State University Library
- Roswell Museum and Art Center
- Silver City Museum
- University of New Mexico, Art Museum
- University of New Mexico, Center for Southwest Research
1910 New Mexico Constitution www.
This is from the State Historian’s office and it deals specifically with the 1910 New Mexico Constitution. It has photos & bios of all the delegates to the 1910 constitutional convention along with the text of the 1910 constitution, the 2012 amended NM constitution and an essay by the Legislative Council Services describing all the changes to the Constitution over the last 100 years. There is also info on president Taft and much more.
The ABQ Public Library has a huge web site devoted to the Centennial and NM History. There are links to all sorts of material.
Visit the web sites of the Office of the State Historian, www.
- New Mexico’s Long Road to Statehood
- New Mexico’s County Courthouses
- The Boundaries of New Mexico
- New Mexico’s Governors since 1912
Compiled by Janet Saiers.-