June 2021 Online & In-Person New Mexico History & Culture Opportunities



Encourage your participation in the following on-line history & cultural events:

THE ALBUQUERQUE HISTORICAL SOCIETY June 20, 2 pm, Facebook Live. “The Life of Mrs. Carnis Salisbury: Albuquerque Fair Housing and Civil Rights Pioneer,” by Brian Eagan, Attorney for the Albuquerque Housing Authority.

New Mexico Historic Sites and Museums have opened. Check individual websites for hours, open dates, etc.  nmhistoricsites.org. There are also programs on their YouTube channel. 

The Wheels Museum, 1100 2nd St. SW has reopened. Times are Monday-Thursday, 9am-12 noon. Call first to confirm, 243-6269 or info@wheelsmuseum.org.

140th Anniversary of the 1881 Escape of Billy the Kid from the Lincoln county Courthouse. nmHistoricSites.org. Go to the You Tube channel icon and look for Billy the Kid.

Corrales Historical Society celebrates the 50th anniversary of the incorporation of the Village of Corrales and the 300th anniversary of the Corrales area. Historical displays all year at the Corrales Village Hall and in the windows of the Corrales Library. View more than 1500 photos now at UNM through econtent.unm.edu/digitalcollection/chs. More info on the website of CorralesHistory.org

JUNE 2, 12 noon, free Zoom. Indian Pueblo Sovereignty. Presented by former NM State Historian Rick Hendricks. Sponsored by the NM Friends of History. Go to nmhistorymuseum.org and select the Facebook icon for access to the program. The Museum also has a YouTube channel where you can watch dozens of past programs & lectures ! Go to their website and click on their YouTube icon on the bottom of the home page. Get more info from the Friends of history website. FriendsofHistoryNM.org.

JUNE 3/4,  11 am and every Thursday/Fri. in June, in person, $2. Tour of Torreon Mundos de Mestizaje fresco by Frederico Vigil. National Hispanic Cultural Center.  Register at nhccnm.org.

JUNE 3, 6:30 pm, Zoom. Happy Art Hour! Art activities for adults. National Hispanic Cultural Center. Go to www.nhccnm.org to register for link.

JUNE 4, 4 pm, Zoom. Why we serve, Native Americans in the US Armed Forces. Presented by the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture. Request link and register at indianartsandculture.org.

JUNE 4, 5-8 pm, free, In-person, ! ART WALK DOWNTOWN CENTRAL. Meet the artists in person. Street music and vendors. Most artists will be along Central. Download map and descriptions at abqartwalk.com.

JUNE 4, 7 pm, in person. Special event of braiding at the NM Holocaust Museum, 616 Central SW.nmholocaustmuseum.org.

JUNE 5, 2 pm, Zoom. Naomi Sandweiss speaks on “The Star of David on the Santa Fe Trail”. Taos County Historical Society. co-sponsored by the Historical Society of NM Speakers Bureau. Contact Paul Figueroa at PaulCFigueroa@gmail.com to request link. www.taosCountyHistoricalSociety.org.

JUNE 5, 9am-12 noon. In person clean up morning at Historic Fairview Cemetery, 700 Yale SE. All welcome, wear hard soled shoes & bring your own tools. Garbage bags & water provided.  www.HistoricFairviewCemeteryABQ.org or Facebook.com/HistoricFairviewCemetery. “Where the Past meets the Present.”

JUNE 5, 8-9:30 pm, in person event at Abo National Monument near Mountainair. Star Walk & Story Telling. Contact 847-2400 for more info. Covid regulations will be followed.

JUNE 5, 8:30 am-12 noon. National Trails Day sponsored by the City’s Open Space Division. Contact 768-4960 to register or contact depps@cabq.gov. Open Space Visitor Center, 6500 Coors NW.

JUNE 5 & other Saturdays in June, 8 am – 12 – Downtown Growers Market at Robinson Park, 8th & Central NW. Mask not required if you are vaccinated. (Honor System)

JUNE 5 , 1 pm, $20, Anthropological Genetic History, THE Search for Y-DNA Adam presented by Angel de Cervantes from the New Mexico DNA Project and the Iberian Peninsula DNA Institute. To pay and get a link for the program contact angelrcervantes@gmail.com

JUNE 5/6, 11am, 2 pm, in person, admission fee. Cultural Dance Program representing various pueblos. Indian Pueblo Cultural Center. Go to indianpueblo.org for more info.

JUNE 5, 9-10:30 am, Zoom. How to be a Watershed Superhero presented by Rich SchroderGo to BernCo.gov/community-services to request a link or call Bernalillo County Open Space at 314-0420.


JUNE 6, 10 am-2 pm and other Sundays May 16, 23, 30. Rail Yards Market. Various vendors, 2nd SW.

JUNE 8, 12 NOON,  Zoom. Railroad Museum of Las Cruces presentsTroy Ainsworth speaking on “Historic Preservation and Maintenance of Memory”. Contact Bryan Lee for link and more information. blee@las-cruces.org, 575-541-2217.

JUNE 8, 2 pm, Pueblo Book Club.  The Railroad and Pueblo Indians: the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe 1880-1930 by Richard Frost. Free but $5 donation encouraged. You may purchase book at the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center store. Must register by June 7 . More information at indianpueblo.org.

JUNE 9, 10:30 AM, zoom. ABQ Genealogical Soc. presents Dr. Penny Waters, speaking on “Ethical Dilemmas in Genealogy” Go to https://abqgen.org for more information.

JUNE 9, 10 am, Zoom. Pottery Demonstration by Aaron Cajero (Jemez). Go to indianartsandculture.org to get link.

JUNE 10, 7 PM, Zoom. Albuquerque’s Roots. ABQ Museum. Register through the Albuquerque Museum.   cabq.govwww.cabq.gov/museum.

JUNE 10, 12 NOON,  zoom.  The History of Chile Farming with the Chile Pepper Institute of NM presented by Las Cruces Museums. Contact Kayla Myers for link and more information. kmyers@las-cruces.org, 575-541-2154

JUNE 10/11, 11 am and every Thursday/Fri. in June, in person, $2. Tour of Torreon Mundos de Mestizaje fresco by Frederico Vigil. National Hispanic Cultural Center. Register at nhccnm.org.

JUNE 11, 1 pm, Zoom. Colcha Embroidery. National Hispanic Cultural Center. www.nhccnm.org.

JUNE 12 , 1 pm, $20, Anthropological Genetic History, Hisatsinom (Anasazi) and the connection to NM Families, Mt DNA Haplogroup B  presented by Angel de Cervantes from the New Mexico DNA Project and the Iberian Peninsula DNA Institute. To pay and get a link for the program contact angelrcervantes@gmail.com

JUNE 12 , 9am-12 noon, in person. Pollinator Celebration at the Open Space Visitor Center, 6500 Coors NW.

JUNE 12, 11 am, Zoom. NM Genealogical Society presents Henrietta Martinez Christmas speaking on “Ancestors in El Paso: Working with Online Records”. More info at nmgs.org.

JUNE 12, 9 am – 3 pm in person event, free. Magdalena, NM presents Frontier Days with various speakers, musical performers and demonstrations.

JUNE 12, 1-3 pm, Zoom. Native Dye Plants presented by Casa San Ysidro. Contact Aaron Gardner for more info,   agardner@cabq.gov or 898-3915. www.cabq.gov/casasanysidro.

JUNE 12/13, 11am, 2 pm, in person, admission fee. Cultural Dance Program representing various pueblos. Indian Pueblo Cultural Center. Go to indianpueblo.org for more info.

JUNE 13, 2 pm, Zoom. The Tru-ish Jewish Story of My Grandfather & Pancho Villa as told by Stacey Ravel Abarbanel. She describes how her grandfather Sam Ravel, an emigrant from Lithuania ended up in Columbus, NM on the day Villa invaded the US, March 9, 1916.Go to NM Jewish Historical Society to request link. nmjhs.org.

JUNE 14 — OBSERVANCE OF FLAG DAY- US Flag design approved in 1777 by resolution of the 2nd Continental Congress.

JUNE 14, 12 noon, Zoom. “Saving Newspapers” presented by Larry Ryckman of the Colorado Sun, a community newspaper. He tells of how they purchased and saved 24 Colorado community newspapers. Request link from presswomen@yahoo.com. Sponsored by ABQ Press Women and Friends.

JUNE 17, 6:30 pm, Zoom. Dr. Hansel Burley, Dean of the UNM College of Education and Human Science speaks about this last year during the pandemic. Sponsored by UNM Alumni Office Lobo Living Room. Get Zoom link by contacting unmalumni.com or 277-5808.

JUNE 17/18, 11 am and every Thursday/Fri. in June, in person, $2. Tour of Torreon Mundos de Mestizaje fresco by Frederico Vigil. National Hispanic Cultural Center. Register at nhccnm.org.

JUNE 18, 7 pm, Zoom. Talking Stories of Mesilla Valley presents The Lizard and The Sun read by Jonathan Contreras in Spanish and English. Register through the NM Humanities Council. nmhum.org.

JUNE 17, 6-8 pm, virtual, free. THIRD THURSDAY AT THE ALBUQUERQUE MUSEUM. Family Night.  Go to cabq.gov/museum for more details and  listing of activities. Info from Jessica Coyle, 764-6517, jcoyle@cabq.gov.

JUNE 19, 2 pm, Zoom. Tertulia Historica Albuquerque series: No One Expects the Spanish Inquisition In New Mexico presented by New Mexico State Historian Rob Martinez. More info at National Hispanic Cultural Center, www.nhccnm.org for more info and to get link.

JUNE 19, 9am – 12 noon, in person. Volunteer at the Pollinator Garden at the Bachechi Open Space, Alameda & Rio Grande NW.Preregister with bospace@bernco.gov or call 314-0420.

JUNE 19/20, 11am, 2 pm, in person, admission fee. Cultural Dance Program representing various pueblos. Indian Pueblo Cultural Center. Go to indianpueblo.org for more info.

JUNE 20, 2 pm, Facebook live. Albuquerque Historical Society presents The Remarkable life and Lasting Legacy of Carnis Salisbury, Civil Rights in Housing ABQ. Presented by Brian Eagan, attorney for the ABQ Housing AuthorityMrs. Salisbury was involved in getting the 1963 Fair Housing City ordinance. www.albuqhistsoc.org.

JUNE 20 , 2 pm, Zoom. The Friends of Coronado Historic Site present Dr. Erick Blinman speaking on “Dating NM Archaeology: Strong Attractions, Warm Glows and Sizzle”. More info at kuaua.org.

JUNE 21-25, 1-4 pm, virtual, $100. UNM’s Maxwell Museum Anthropology camp for children ages 6-12. Scholarships available. Contact 277-2924 or amy.gro@unm.edu for more info.

JUNE 24/25, 11 am and every Thursday/Fri. in June, in person, $2. Tour of Torreon Mundos de Mestizaje fresco by Frederico Vigil. National Hispanic Cultural Center.Register at nhccnm.org.

JUNE 25, 12 noon, Zoom. “Studebaker Wagons down the Santa Fe Trail !”  presented by David Bower. Sponsored by the Historical Society of New Mexico. Will be recorded for future viewing on its you tube channel. Go to hsnm.org then programs then events. Request Zoom link by emailing, hsnmgeneral@gmail.com.

JUNE 26 , 1 pm, $20 , Anthropological Genetic History, THE DNA OF CHRISTOPHER COLUMBER presented by Angel de Cervantes from the New Mexico DNA Project and the Iberian Peninsula DNA Institute. To pay and get a link for the program contact angelrcervantes@gmail.com

JUNE 26, 2 pm, in person. Support the Mountainair HS FFA Rodeo at the JP Helms Arena, $5 carload. Followed by the WestFest Dance at 7 pm.More info with the Manzano Mountain Arts Council.  www.manzanomountainartcouncil.org.

JUNE 26, starts virtual today. A View into the Collection. Learn more about the Summer Solstice and Pueblo dances. Go to indianpueblo.org.

JUNE 26, 10am-2pm, in person. International Mud Day – be a kid with activities and games about mud. Open space Visitor Center, 6500 Coors NW.More info at 311.

JUNE 26/27, 11 am, 2 pm, in person, admission fee. Cultural Dance Program representing various pueblos. Indian Pueblo Cultural Center. Go to indianpueblo.org for more info.

AMERICAN INDIAN EDUCATION AT UNM, iaie.unm.edu. Watch several previously recorded programs about Native American education, the Dine language and more.

EL RANCHO DE LAS GOLONDRINAS. Go to Golondrinas.org and click on the Facebook icon on the right to watch a variety of past programs. Examples are: The Truchas Mill, El Horno, Sheep to Blanket, Chile & Wild Greens, NM Remedios.

NEW MEXICO HUMANITIES COUNCIL has numerous programs on their YouTube Channel including What Public Memorials mean in New Mexico, A Tribute to Rudolpho Anaya, Creating a Multi Cultural NM. Go to their website www.nmhumanities.org. Blackdom,  a panel discussion about the southern NM town founded in 1903. There are programs about the French in New Mexico, Japanese Internment camps during WW II, Women’s Suffrage and the Rio Grande. Go to nmhum.org  You tube channel.

HISTORIC SANTA FE FOUNDATION (historicSantaFe.org) offers two free programs to watch: Ron Duncan Hart speaking on the Early Jews in NM; Rob Martinez – The Enduring Hispanic Music of NM.

Commemoration of the adoption of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution giving women the right to vote. Various Speakers including elected officials, poets, One Albuquerque Media Facebook page.  https://www.facebook.com/OneABQMedia/videos/321398079104075


INDIAN PUEBLO CULTURAL CENTER  — Thursdays – Sundays !  This includes the restaurant and gift shop. www.indianpueblo.org.


LIBRARY BRANCHES ARE OPEN AT VARIOUS TIMES. Call the library before you go there. Capacity limits so call to find best times to visit.

METRO AREA MUSEUMS HAVE REOPENED WITH DIFFERENT REGULATIONS, TICKETING & TIMES.  Albuquerque MuseumBalloon Museum,  National Museum of Nuclear Science & HistoryNew Mexico Holocaust MuseumCheck their websites for more details as to hours of operation, gift shops, etc.

MURALS OF ALBUQUERQUE (www.murosabq.com) This shows over 130 murals in the ABQ metro area. You click on each picture and it shows the mural, gives its title and address, describes the image, and the artists.

ONLINE TOUR OF THE 15 HISTORIC MURALS AT THE INDIAN PUEBLO CULTURAL CENTER The tour gives details  of the artist and the dance or ritual illustrated in the mural. https://indianpueblo.org/pueblos-pigments-and-prominence-the-murals-of-ipcc/

Virtual Tour of the Downtown Main Library, 1975. Presented by Modern Albuquerque and sponsored by the Urban Enhancement Trust Fund. More information including the YouTube link to the live stream is on their Events page. See www.modernabq.org/events

Historic Carizozo, NM, see the winners of the New Mexico Magazine 2020 Photo Contest at the Tularosa Basin Photo Gallery. It is now open on Friday/Saturday 10 am-5 pm and Sundays from 12 noon-5pm. PhotoZozo.org, 575-937-1489.

Cibola County History Museum, 525 West High St., Grants NM. Social distancing and masks required. Go to cibolaHistory.org for more information.

OASIS SENIOR LEARNING IS PROVIDING ONLINE PROGRAMS. Contact 884-4529 or visit albuquerque.oasisnet.org for more information.


NUCLEAR MUSEUM – The Museum has a huge collection of oral history interviews (also transcribed) called Voices of the Manhattan Project. There are some 600 interviews of individuals who were either at the Manhattan Project or a family member who worked there. The  interviews are organized into 39 categories such as: Internment of Japanese Americans, Life in the Secret cities,  Hispanic employees, Native American. https://www.nuclearmuseum.org/educate/atomic-heritage-foundation  https://www.manhattanprojectvoices.org/

Watch Early Jews in New Mexico presented by Ron Duncan Hart. Sponsored by the Historic Santa Fe Foundation. Go to HistoricSantaFe.org. for information.

75TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE END OF WW II – The War Years: Selected Images from the NM Digital Collection. Go to the website of the Center for SW Research/Zimmerman Library,  Elibrary.unm.edu/cswr/

DAILY ACTIVITIES FOR KIDS & ADULTS AT THE MAXWELL MUSEUM OF ANTHROPOLOGY maxwellmuseum.unm.edu Daily programs on their website: MONDAY-object,  TUESDAY-Education,  WEDNESDAY -Resources, THURSDAY -History, FRIDAY-Ask the Maxwell

THE NEW MEXICO HISTORY MUSEUM has put many programs on Facebook or YouTube including The Santa Fe River in NM History presented by William Mee, ex. director of the Santa Fe Watershed Association and Andy Otto from Agua Fria. There are six videos telling the story of The Harvey Girls. YouTube https://www.YouTube.com /user/NM museum . Look up the titles. More info at the NM History Museum website, nmhistorymuseum.org.
For Facebook, click on: https://www.facebook.com/events/3051120368304586/
For YouTube, go to:  https://www.youtube.com/user/NMmus

 VISIT THE SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARY  Library branches have opened on a limited basis. Staff will help you with research or setting up an appointment by contacting  specialcollections@cabq.gov.

Because of Rudolfo Anaya’s literary and cultural significance to New Mexico and to honor his legacy, UNM Libraries’ Department of Digital Initiative and Scholarly Resources (DISC) created the Rudolfo Anaya Digital Archive, a comprehensive online guide to his life and work. Oral histories, draft manuscripts, book covers, and an extensive bibliography of Anaya resources are available in the online archive. CSWR staff, and indeed, the entire UNM Libraries community is deeply saddened by Mr. Anaya’s death, one of New Mexico’s great writers and cultural icons.  While his passing is a great loss, by placing his papers with CSWR he left an incredible gift to New Mexico. His work will be treasured and preserved in perpetuity in the Center for Southwest Research and Special Collections for future generations to enjoy. For detailed descriptions of the material in the Rudolfo A. Anaya Papers please see the CSWR finding aid at  https://rmoa.unm.edu/docviewer.php?docId=nmu1mss321bc.xml#crit
To access the Rudolfo A. Anaya Digital Archive, please visit https://anaya.unm.edu/

Many museums now have virtual tours. Many museums and history organizations are providing free lectures & programs by using Zoom, YouTube or the Facebook page of the organization.(Note: you do NOT have to be a Facebook user to view the Facebook page of many organizations). Some of these require pre-registration so you may receive a “specific link and password”. The programs are recorded to watch later. Most programs are free but some groups are requiring payment of a fee prior to getting a link or password to access the site.


Many of the museums and cultural centers in the ABQ metro area have put programming on their websites, Facebook pages or YouTube links. This includes everything from:

  • concerts, history lectures, video tours of various museum collections,
  • photograph pod casts, curriculum and study guides for children, audio interviews,

All of this is free and even “low tech” individuals can navigate these websites There are YouTube channels available at no cost to watch to all. You are urged to explore many websites but especially these:

  • CORONADO HISTORIC SITE- Watch numerous programs from the website of the Friends of Coronado Historic Site. Kuaua.org/presentations. You can also just listen by phone. All info on their website.
  • NEW MEXICO HISTORY IN TEN MINUTES (newmexicohistory.org) On the home page, go to the bottom and click on Video of the Month. The entire list of episodes will appear by clicking on the corner of the video. NM State Historian Rob Martinez is most engaging and informative and there are more than 40 Episodes. The episodes may be heard in chronological order or by topic which is introduced in the first minute or so of the episode.
  • NATIONAL HISPANIC CULTURAL CENTER (www.nhccnm.orgLa Hilacha Podcast-numerous podcasts including the 1918 Pandemic: What does History teach us by NM State Historian Rob Martinez. There are many videos about NM history related topics from the La Canoa series including Nina Otero Warren, New Mexican 20th Century Mujerota. You may visit various exhibits.
  • NEW MEXICO PBS PODCASTS ON WOMEN & THE RIGHT TO VOTE. go to NewMexicoPBS.org/new-mexico-and-the-vote-podcast/
  • ALBUQUERQUE MUSEUM OF ART & HISTORY http://www.cabq.gov/culturalservices/albuquerque-museum Picture This! Podcast – short 5-6 minute podcasts (combo of voice and photographs) by Museum photo archivist Jill Hartke. The podcasts include: baseball in ABQ, downtown businesses in the early 1920s, local photos from 1969-1970, Lovelace astronauts, Streetcars and Motorettes (ABQ 1907-1920s).
  • CIVIC AUDITORIUM HISTORY VIDEO (1957-1986) www.modernabq.org. Go to the Resources Tab, then the drop down to the three Civic Auditorium videos. They tell the story of the structure: why it was built, how it was used and why it was ultimately demolished.
  • OUR FAIR NEW MEXICO: A VIRTUAL CONCERT SERIES OF NM MUSIC http://www.newmexicoculture.org/virtualconcerts Concerts began on April 10 and there are numerous concerts by NM artists ranging from harpist Otilio Ruiz, Jemez flutist Marlon Magdalena, Lone Pinon, Dos Gatos, and Rob Martinez playing Northern NM music.
  • INDIAN PUEBLO CULTURAL CENTER (indianpueblo.org)  You may read about current and past exhibits. These include Matriarchs at the Heart of Pueblo Families and Recipes from a Pueblo Kitchen. The website also gives an overview of each of the 19 NM pueblos and lists the individual websites. Go to NativeAmericanHeritageMonth.gov for links to the Smithsonian, National Endowment for Humanities, National Park Service, National Archives, Teacher resources and more.
  • COULD COLUMBUS HAVE BEEN JEWISH AND SHOULD WE CARE? (YouTube) presented by Norma Libman  and the New Mexico Jewish Historical Society. Use this link. To contact Norma directly go to her website www.normalibman.com.  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4pesp7e8EmbyZJmt4ze9oQ/
  • LAS CRUCES MUSEUM SYSTEM has many interesting history programs on their website/Facebook Page/YouTube. On line at the Las Cruces Museum Facebook page. www.facebook.com/LCmuseums/   Call 575-541-2154 for more information, Kayla Myers las-cruces.org/1523/museum. Branigan Center.

Holocaust Museum and Gellert Education Center NM, 616 Central SW. Go to the website nmholocaustmuseum.org. Questions call 247-0606.  

ALB OASIS LIFELONG LEARNING PRESENTS VARIOUS NM TOPICS www.albuquerque.oasisnet.org  or 884-4529.

ALBUQUERQUE HISTORICAL SOCIETY ARCHIVED VIDEO PROGRAMS The Albuquerque Historical Society provides videos of scheduled program presentations that are live-streamed to the Society’s Facebook page. If viewed live, the Facebook live-stream event allows those who are unable to attend the opportunity to participate in the question and answer session following the event.  The video presentations are permanently available in the “Videos” section of the AHS Facebook page as well as linked to from the appropriate AHS Program pages. Presentations captured on Facebook videos to date include:

DISCLAIMER: All information should be checked with the sponsoring entity as changes may have occurred.