Statehood (1912)

The following are source documents which cover New Mexico Statehood (1912). They are intended to be used for teaching New Mexico history.

Constitution Convention

  • Good Things in Constitution
    Newspaper Article - Santa Fe New Mexican
    This article is written before the citizens vote on the constitution. It was written by persons in the El Paso Herald. It discusses the protection of Miners, Railroaders and other Workingmen. The rights of natives are secured. The article discusses

US Government Role

  • 1848 Map of Western Territories
    Map - Center for Legislative Archives, National Archives
    This is the Map of Western Territories that President James K. Polk sent to Congress with his annual message in 1848. The map shows the New Mexico territory as the boundaries were established by various treaties, such as the Treaty of Guadalupe
  • 1912 Electoral Vote Tally
    Primary Document - National Archives
    This is the FIRST Presidential Election in which NM was a state. On February 12, 1913 the House and the Senate met in a joint session to count the votes from the 1912 presidential election. The major candidates in the election were unpopular
  • Admission to Statehood
    Political Cartoon - National Archives
    This cartoon by Clifford Berryman appeared in the Washington Post on May 24, 1911. On June 20, 1910, Congress passed an act to authorize the people of the New Mexico and Arizona Territories to form constitutions and state governments, and provide
  • ARTICLE XXI, Compact with the United States
    Primary Document - Constitution of the State of New Mexico
    This document provides the information that deals with the conditions that the state agreed to in becoming part of the United States. This original document was approved on June 20, 1910. There were changes that were adopted by the people on
  • Credentials for the first US Senators from NM
    Primary Document - National Archives
    These letters authorized Albert Fall and Thomas Catron as Senators from New Mexico. They were written to the president of the Senate from the then Governor William
  • Enters the Sisterhood of States
    Newspaper Article - Hope Penasco Valley Press
    This article describes the announcement of statehood for New Mexico. The article also mentions the inauguration of new governor McDonald on January 15, 1912. What statehood means is also
  • Fillmore's Nomination of James S. Calhoun as 1st Governor of NM Territory
    Primary Document - National Archives
    Congress created the Territory of New Mexico - which included present-day Arizona - on September 9, 1850 as part of the Compromise of 1850. On December 23, 1850 President Millard Fillmore nominated James S. Calhoun to be the new territory's first
  • Greeting President Roosevelt at Albuquerque
    Photograph - Stereograph Cards Collection, Library of Congress
    This is a photo of President Theodore Roosevelt's train stop in Albuquerque. During this time, the New Mexico Territory was appealing to the US Government for statehood.  This stereograph was taken in 1903 and is part of the Stereograph
  • Joint Resolution 14 to Admit Arizona and New Mexico to US
    Primary Document - National Archives
    On August 10, 1911, Congress passed H.J. Res. 14, "to admit the territories of New Mexico and Arizona as States into the Union." The legislation, however, contained a requirement that the people of Arizona vote on the recall provision as a separate
  • Public Meeting Information 1864
    Primary Document - Library of Congress
    This is an announcement for a public meeting held in Santa Fe, NM on February 21, 1864. The public meeting, presided over by Territorial Governor Connelly, was in response to derogatory comments published in the Eastern US press about Brigadier
  • The Next Candidate for Statehood
    Political Cartoon - Library of Congress
    Illustration shows Columbia handing a dress labeled "Statehood" to a young woman labeled "New
  • Waiting for their Stars
    Political Cartoon - Library of Congress
    Illustration shows Columbia sitting in a chair with the American flag across her lap, she is holding a star and has a pot of stars and sewing materials next to her; standing on the left are three male figures representing "New Mexico, Arizona, [and]
  • William Taft Signing NM Statehood Bill
    Photograph - Harris & Ewing Collection, Library of Congress
    The photograph was taken as President William Howard Taft signed the bill to make New Mexico as state in 1912. This photograph is part of the Harris & Ewing Collection at the Library of

Treaty Commitments

  • Controversial guidelines spark Rio Chama River rift
    Newspaper Article - Santa Fe New Mexican
    This article discusses the challenge to the San Juan Chama Diversion project by a land grant group who are protective of the water rights provided in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago. The article summarizes the rift between the farmers on the Rio

Land Grants

  • Advertisement: The Maxwell Land Grant
    Advertisement - East Las Vegas Daily Optic
    This advertisement is representative of those offered in the selling of Maxwell Land Grant property. The article promotes farming with perpetual water rights, grazing, and gold mining. It is noted in the title that the title is established as a
  • ARTICLE II, Bill of Rights
    Primary Document - NM Constitution
    Section 5 of the Bill of Rights addresses the Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago and it is the key statement in the NM Constitution that provides a reference for Land Grant
  • Chilili Demands Presented
    Newspaper Article - Albuquerque Journal
    This article outlines the demands of the Committee for the Reformation and Preservation of the Chilili Land Grant. The article outlines five demands regarding the use of the Chilili land by those not associated with the villagers and heirs of the
  • Joseph's Joint Resolution
    Newspaper Article - Santa Fe Herald
    This article discusses the wording associated with the protection of settlers in the Maxwell Land Grant. The articles highlights the decision made by the Secretary of Interior on December 31. 1869, regarding land lying and being situate in the
  • Judge McFie's Baby Case in the Supreme Court
    Newspaper Article - Santa Fe New Mexican
    The article discusses the disposition of the Maxwell land grant in an ownership dispute, which was decided in the Territorial Supreme Court and affirmed by the US Supreme Court. The word "baby" in the title refers to the fact that this was Judge
  • New Map of Texas with Land Grants
    Map - Geography and Map Division, Library of Congress
    Map shows colonies and land grants, Neuces River as border between Texas and Mexican states, Indian Territory attached to Arkansas, Santa Fe area, towns, rivers, and roads. This was engraved by James H. Young in 1835. This map is part of the map
  • Railroad Land Grants - NM Territory
    Map - Railroad Maps Collection, Library of Congress
    Map showing portions of Arizona and New Mexico indicating land grants on either side of the right of way of the railroad. The map was created in 1883 and is part of the Railroad Maps Collection at the Library of
  • Rio Hondo Land
    Photograph - Farm Security Administration Collection, Library of Congress
    Scene on strip farms along the Rio Hondo near Taos, New Mexico. This land was originally Spanish land grants and has been divided and subdivided among the descendents of the first farmers until the farms are today extremely small, some being only
  • Simms' Mesa Tract Will Be Fully Developed
    Newspaper Article - Albuquerque Journal
    This article describes the disposition of the original Elena Gallegos Land Grant by Albert G. Simms. The article describes the boundaries of the
  • Spanish-American Family Farm
    Photograph - Farm Security Administration Collection, Library of Congress
    Spanish-American family homes in a group, farming land in the background. Llano de San Juan, New Mexico. This photo was taken in 1940 as part of the Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information Collection at the Library of
  • Tributary of the Rio Costilla
    Photograph - Farm Security Administration Collection, Library of Congress
    Tributary of the Rio Costilla near Amalia, New Mexico. Irrigated farmland is in the center and grazing land surrounding. This photo was taken in 1940 as part of the Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information Collection at the Library of
  • Under heading: Monday, March 2
    Newspaper Article - Santa Fe Daily New Mexican
    This short announcement in March of 1891 describes Federal action establishing a court for the adjudication of private Spanish and Mexican land grant

Borders and Counties

  • Bernalillio County Courthouse 1908
    Photograph - Detroit Publishing Company Photograph Collection, Library of Congress
    This is a 1908 photo of the Bernalillio County Courthouse in Albuquerque, NM. It was built in 1886 and was replaced with a new courthouse built in 1926. This photo is part of the Detroit Publishing Company Collection at the Library of
  • Map of NM Showing County Seats and Boundaries 1908
    Map - Legislative Archives, National Archives
    This map shows the New Mexico county boundaries as they existed in 1908 when the territory was seeking statehood. It also shows the proposed Curry County, named after then-Territorial Governor George Curry, which became a county in 1909. RG 233,
  • Map of NM with Coach Lines, Rivers and Lakes
    Map - Transportation and Communication Collection, Library of Congress
    Map shows relief by hachures, drainage, counties, cities and towns, roads, trails, and proposed or surveyed railroad lines. This map was done in 1879 by Rand McNally and is part of the Transportation and Communication Collection at the Library of
  • Map of Railroads
    Map - Railroad Maps Collection, Library of Congress
    Map of the Rio Grande and Pecos Railway showing its connections with the Texas Mexican, Texas Mexican Short Line, Mexican National, Texas & St. Louis, and Denver & Rio Grande Narrow Gauge systems and also the International & Great
  • Map of US with NM - 1847
    Map - Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division
    This is a map of the US with the NM territory acquired during Mexican-American War. Map was published in 1847. (Actually titled "New map of the United States and
  • Santa Fe Route 1888
    Map - Railroad Maps Collection, Library of Congress
    1888 Map of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico showing relief by hachures, drainage, cities and towns, stations, Indian reservations, state boundaries, and the railroad network emphasizing the main line. The map includes railroad

Political Structure

  • ARTICLE III, Distribution of Powers
    Primary Document - NM Constitution
    This article is the key article that explains the political structure of the new state. Articles IV, V, and VI go into greater detail as to the functions of the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Departments. This particular statement was adopted
  • New Mexico Capitol Building
    Photograph - Office of War Information Collection, Library of Congress
    This a photo of the capitol building as it looked in 1943.   This was the capitol building until the new capitol building, The Roundhouse, was built in 1966. This photo was taken by John Collier, Jr. as part of the Federal Security Administration

Immigration Policies

  • ARTICLE VII, Elective Franchise; and ARTICLE II, Bill of Rights
    Primary Document - NM Constitution
    Generally the articles in the NM Constitution address the rights of citizens. Voting rights are defined in Article VII, Elective Franchise, which was adopted by the people on November 7, 1967. Section 22 in Article II, Bill of Rights, addresses the

Secondary and Higher Education

  • ARTICLE XII, Education
    Primary Document - NM Constitution
    This article deals with the provisions of Secondary Education. Sections 1, 5, 8, 9, and 10 have been selected to emphasize significant provisions that deal with education offerings at the secondary level. Section 11 is the November 3, 1964 adoption
  • Indian Service School, Taos
    Photograph - Farm Security Administration Collection, Library of Congress
    At work in the Indian Service School. Taos, New Mexico. This photo was taken in 1936 as part of the Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information Collection at the Library of
  • University of New Mexico
    Photograph - Office of War Information Collection, Library of Congress
    This photo is of a building at the University of New Mexico.This photo was taken by John Collier Jr. in 1943 and is part of the Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information Collection at the Library of Congress. In 1941 to 1943, Collier

On to New Mexico Role in WW I Era (1916-1919)
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